stripping comes wood repair. New basswood is added to all the areas
that are missing wood. The vacant spots are flattened and squared
up. Paper patterns of the needed shapes are drawn, and the pieces
are attached. This can be quite a challenge in some situations due
to the complex angles and shapes. All types of wood clamps, pinch
dogs, brand and strap clamps, drywall screws and even vise grips
are used in different combinations to get the replacement wood attached.
After the glue cures over night, the clamps, screws, etc., are removed
and carving begins.
comes the legs. The back legs on the Dentzel are in the best shape,
so this is a good place to start. Except for some minor wood loss,
they are separated cleanly at the original joints. The original
dowels are drilled out and joint surfaces sanded and reattached
using new dowels and pinch dogs. The front legs need more attention.
The hoof on the romance leg is rotted and most of the backside is
gone. I use photographs for reference in making a pattern to recarve
the hoof shape. I remove rot and add new bass wood in stages to
recarve the hoof. The thigh of the other front leg is split in half,
and the rest of the leg is broken and split in a number of places.
To repair this, I force glue into the splits with a plunger type
injector. The leg pieces are clamped and wedge shape wood shims
of various thicknesses added to fill in any voids. Finally, the
new wood in all four knee joints is recarved and sanded into shape.
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